28 August 2011


First of all, I would like to apologize, I have been incredibly negligent when it comes to my little space here.  I have dozens of blogs written in my head right now so I will try to get them typed up and out here in the blogsphere.

I started a new job in April!  (Woooooo Hooooo!)  I also started a workout routine shortly after and have been heading directly to the gym from work every day.  The hubs and I are trying to get into a new routine and I'm trying to get dinners ready or at least prepped on the weekends so we aren't eating at 9pm.

I haven't knit, I haven't been at my sewing machine.  I've read, but that's about it.  Oh, yeah, I read all 4 Twilight books in 10 days.   I read these three books and loved them all.  I'm hoping to get to see The Help next weekend with mom.

We have been staying home every other weekend or so, but even though we've been home, we've been busy!  We've spent several afternoons and evenings cooling down in our friends pool - thank you Ron and Sheri!  We did the original Detroit taste off between Lafayette and American Coney Island.

We are proud to say that we agree, Lafayette is the winner!  We drove around Belle Isle, because sadly, I had never been there.  It was a fun afternoon!

There was a wedding.  We spend some fun weekends with family and friends at the lake.  My niece is 12 (12!) and she is taller than me by a good inch!  Crazy!  And we celebrated our 3rd Anniversary!  Three years have flown by!  Love ya!
've cleaned out some closets and have several boxes ready to go to good will.  I made enough room in the closet in my sewing room that I was able to move some things around and make more working space.  I can get to my ironing board now!  It's great.

We spent the day at Eastern Market today with my mom and dad and had lunch at Loco, YUM!  Dessert at Cold Stone on the way home.  And I decided that it's time to not only get back here, but to start my second quilt!  I've had this magazine since last summer, I've had this fabric for almost 2 years, and KNEW I would make this quilt with this fabric as soon as I saw it.

So, why on earth has it taken me this long to start it?  I sat down with my cutting mat, circle template and fabric and got to work.  I'm altering it a little because I only had 24 squares of fabric instead of the 32 called for, BUT, my squares are bigger.  So yeah, it's altered a little.  I can't wait to get the quilt top together, because I found a long arm quilter and it's going to her to be finished!

I have some recipes to share and I did finish a few projects that just never got photographed toward the end of winter, so I will be sharing them soon.  I hope to be back on a regular blogging schedule soon!