Made stuffed burgers, twice! I stuffed the Italian burgers with fresh mozz. Oh, and some food porn for you too, check out the Caprese in the background! But really, doesn't that oozy cheese look sooo good?
Here's another!
And the White Wine Pesto Burgers with white cheddar for Brian and Lauging Cow light Garlic and Herb for me! Yummy, ooey and gooey! I had such inspiration about stuffed burgers last night that I sat down and wrote out ideas, names and ingredients for about 15 more stuffed burgers. So, check back because I will be posting more!
We also GRILLED Brussels Sprouts on a veggie griller thingy. THEY WERE SO GOOD! Totally different flavor. It's way to hot here to even glance at the oven, let alone turn it on, so they got tossed in some oil with pepper and a little salt, same as we do for roasting, and got tossed on the grill with the burgers! Works for me! And it really did work!
Remember the raspberries... Well, they have become frozen yogurt! And people, if you don't have one of these, you really, truely, don't have an utter clue what you are missing! Seriously, I'm not kidding. I can't wait to make frozen yogurt with strawberries and peaches, or pistachio, mint chip, and cookie dough ice cream. I may burn the motor out this year! The recipe I used is from here...Our friend Pam's sister is suffering from Melanoma and with a fundraiser coming up this weekend, I really wanted to donate something. I had some really pretty, varigated Rainbow Boucle in a pretty plummy color (they call it Berry Print) that was waiting to become a shawl, and I was so glad to drop it off for them this morning. I really hope it goes to a good home!
EDITED TO ADD: It went to a great home! Hope you enjoy Jodi!
And people, learn from my mistakes, buy two skeins... I didn't feel like carting 2 huge skeins up north this weekend and my poor (wonderful) mother helped me with more knots and tangles than you can imagine! This really is my favorite shawl to knit. The pattern is so easy you don't even need to haul the pattern around with you. I finished the Cropped Raglan Sweater in record time too! I think it only took me about 5 or 6 days. Definatly not a full week though. I only used 3 skeins of Sensatons Kashmira for the project and I made it a few inches longer too!
What a great, cheap knit! It's so easy. Knit from the top down. I can already see some variations to this pattern too, the wheels were churning the entire time the needles were clicking! You have to check it out! Also on Ravelry.. sorry it's not blocked, I will hopefully get that done tonight or tomorrow! I see many more of these in my future! Actually I promptly went out and bought the same yarn in aqua (clearance for under $3/skein) and a really lovely soft and snuggly green yarn that might be by Paton's but I don't remember right now that was clearance for under $3/skein too! I see many of these in my future!
Congrats to Erin and Ryan! It was a beautiful wedding for two wonderful people! We had a great time! Sorry I don't have a pic, they didn't turn out that great for us!
Here's a cute kitty picture for you too! Ruger really likes his new lovie!!! I knit a few of these up last night for the boys! I just love his sweet face!