17 September 2009

It's been a while....

So, I know it's been a while and you all are probably tired of waiting for me to blog. I'm not going to apologize, but I will say that I have missed it here, and I "hope" to be back in blogging mode soon... I won't say that I haven't been busy, because I have, I just don't have a lot to say/show for it...

So on that happy note - the new issue of Everyday Food was in my mailbox today and luckily, I already had plans to make fresh tomato soup, but no idea exactly how and I discovered this recipe...

Now the page is complete with tomato spatterings. The recipe on the opposite page doesn't look too bad either! Maybe that in a couple of weeks??? It was good, but when i went looking for a link to it, I found some other ones that looked better, so maybe next time. We made BLT's too. I have a lot more pics to post, but I need to sort through some things and try to get a better blogging schedule started. I will try to blog at least once a week from here on out!

Have a great night, and I WILL see you again soon! If anyone is still here, and you want to see any recipes in particular, just send me a comment and I will get to it. And Jodi - I am working on the cookies, I need to try the pumpkin cookies one more time, but I think I have them right! I will be emailing you shortly!