30 December 2010

Pizza Dough

For the last few years, I have been on the hunt for a good pizza dough recipe.  I came across a good one Sunday night.  Maybe not the best one, but it was pretty darn good.  It is from Tyler Florence on the Food Network.    It made a big batch.  I made a thin crust for me and a deep dish for Brian.  I had a bit left over and just made a plain one with some garlic, sauce and cheese.

I was hungry and forgot to take a picture before I cut into it!
I used Quick Rise instant yeast and it worked.  I have terrible luck with yeast, but it worked!  Oh, and I think the recipe is incorrect for the amount of salt. I will decrease it to about 1/2 Tbsp. next time and see how that works.

29 December 2010

Finishing the Acadian

I finally got up the nerve to block my Acadian Shawl.  It turned out really well.  I can't wait to wear it!

28 December 2010

Holiday Handmades

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and wonderful holiday!  I can finally share what I've been working on for holiday gifts this year!  I have been busy knitting and sewing away, therefore, all of the creative juices have been flowing in that direction.  I have barely thought about interesting meals at all.  Ask Brian.  The dinners have been very uninspired around here.  Back to the menu planning next week!

I digress....  Here is the crafty goodness...
Jamie is a U of M fanatic!  I have reports that he sleeps with the blanket every night and it is hauled to the couch first thing in the morning.  I'm so glad he likes it!

I love the one I made for Sophie.  I told her I would keep it if she didn't like it, but she smiled and shook her head.  Apparently that means I did well choosing the colors!  I'm still the cool aunt!

I had to keep up with tradition and make Mimi another shawl. She got a shawl pin from my parents and pinned it right on and wore it the rest of the day!  
Terttu Shawl  

Springtime Bandit Shawl for Mom
Raveled Here

Mom loved her Christmas shawl.  I think she will get a lot of use from it!  I also made her coasters, but I can't find the picture!

I think I will start next years gifts in a few weeks.  I always say that, but maybe this year I will actually do it!