Dinner last night was pretty basic, burgers, but when Brian found the recipe for Nutty Warm Brussels Sprouts Salad in the October Cooking Light magazine, we had to try it, and it was delicious, with the toasty breadcrumbs, the chopped walnuts and the Brussels Sprouts that were a little browned... Yummmm! I love that color green. This recipe would be great for a fall get-together, even Thanksgiving.
So I mentioned a while ago that Jodi had some great fall cookies that needed a little healthful revamping... I have posted both the Before and After versions on Recipes From The Blueberry Boutique. Try the re-vamped version if you are looking for some healthy alternatives for baking. I used half white flour and half wheat flour in the recipes, also Agave Nectar instead of sugar (you use a lot less sugar and it's much lower on the glycemic index too!) Thanks for the recipes Jodi, I had a lot of fun testing them!
Bri did as directed and got me a bucky this year! It's all cleaned, vacuum sealed and waiting in my freezer for winter!
I am making a venison stew in the crockpot for dinner tonight, I will let you know how it turns out! Also, if you have any receipes that need re-vamping, send them on! Here is a little cuteness for you too, they were being nice to each other yesterday, unlike today where Ruger keeps walking on Jag and claiming the warm pillow...he's living up to his nickname today...shit head!
Have a great day!
02 November 2009
17 September 2009
It's been a while....
So, I know it's been a while and you all are probably tired of waiting for me to blog. I'm not going to apologize, but I will say that I have missed it here, and I "hope" to be back in blogging mode soon... I won't say that I haven't been busy, because I have, I just don't have a lot to say/show for it...
So on that happy note - the new issue of Everyday Food was in my mailbox today and luckily, I already had plans to make fresh tomato soup, but no idea exactly how and I discovered this recipe...
Now the page is complete with tomato spatterings. The recipe on the opposite page doesn't look too bad either! Maybe that in a couple of weeks??? It was good, but when i went looking for a link to it, I found some other ones that looked better, so maybe next time. We made BLT's too. I have a lot more pics to post, but I need to sort through some things and try to get a better blogging schedule started. I will try to blog at least once a week from here on out!
Have a great night, and I WILL see you again soon! If anyone is still here, and you want to see any recipes in particular, just send me a comment and I will get to it. And Jodi - I am working on the cookies, I need to try the pumpkin cookies one more time, but I think I have them right! I will be emailing you shortly!
So on that happy note - the new issue of Everyday Food was in my mailbox today and luckily, I already had plans to make fresh tomato soup, but no idea exactly how and I discovered this recipe...
Now the page is complete with tomato spatterings. The recipe on the opposite page doesn't look too bad either! Maybe that in a couple of weeks??? It was good, but when i went looking for a link to it, I found some other ones that looked better, so maybe next time. We made BLT's too. I have a lot more pics to post, but I need to sort through some things and try to get a better blogging schedule started. I will try to blog at least once a week from here on out!
Have a great night, and I WILL see you again soon! If anyone is still here, and you want to see any recipes in particular, just send me a comment and I will get to it. And Jodi - I am working on the cookies, I need to try the pumpkin cookies one more time, but I think I have them right! I will be emailing you shortly!
19 July 2009
07 July 2009
Wow, Have I Been Busy
It's been busy around here over the past week! Are you ready for some pictures?
My motto must be "Go big or go home" because I have NEVER made a quilt before. But, last week, I found myself cutting up scraps. Laying a sheet out on the floor and piecing it together. I picked up the rows and am ready to start sewing strips. Yeah, it's about 80" x 80". Tiny! :-)
Here it is in rows. I can't wait to start sewing it!

Mom and I went to the Farmers Market in Port Sanilac on Friday afternoon. The hours are 3-7. Isn't that the oddest timing? We got SOOO much good stuff though!
We saw this really cute car at the grocery store too, it a Smart Woodie, or something like that... check out the mine surf board! Hilarious!
This freighter was cruising past when we got home and the sunlight shining on it looked so cool! I think I did a pretty good job getting this shot.
My in-laws had a chicken BBQ on saturday and it was delicious. It was such a nice, sunny day, it finally felt like summer and I even got a sunburn! This is the chicken still on the spit. you can see the whole rig. My father in law and his friend Nikola made it a few years ago.
My father in-law and our friend Ivan take the chicken out.
Yeah, check out the reddness! Just think, one year ago we were only a couple of weeks away from our wedding!
After the chicken at the Milos, we put my parents boat in for the first time in YEARS (like 3-4!!!) We took a quick ride up the lake since my mom had never seen the house from the lake since it was built.
Sorry about the crooked picture, it was a little choppy.
Brian is happiest when he is on the water. It would have been even better if he had a fishing pole in his hand!
After checking out the house, we headed back to Port Sanilac to see the fireworks. Dad and I had seen them from the water when I was in High School, but there wasn't enough room for everyone, so most of the mom's stayed behind and all the kids went. Brian had never seen them from the water either, so we had to go! I got some great pictures!
The Grand Finale! How great is that picture with the fireworks reflecting over the water?
Hope you had a great Independence Day!
25 June 2009
Time Flies
In the past 3 weeks, I have...
Made stuffed burgers, twice! I stuffed the Italian burgers with fresh mozz. Oh, and some food porn for you too, check out the Caprese in the background! But really, doesn't that oozy cheese look sooo good?
Here's another!
And the White Wine Pesto Burgers with white cheddar for Brian and Lauging Cow light Garlic and Herb for me! Yummy, ooey and gooey! I had such inspiration about stuffed burgers last night that I sat down and wrote out ideas, names and ingredients for about 15 more stuffed burgers. So, check back because I will be posting more!
I finished the Cropped Raglan Sweater in record time too! I think it only took me about 5 or 6 days. Definatly not a full week though. I only used 3 skeins of Sensatons Kashmira for the project and I made it a few inches longer too!
What a great, cheap knit! It's so easy. Knit from the top down. I can already see some variations to this pattern too, the wheels were churning the entire time the needles were clicking! You have to check it out! Also on Ravelry.. sorry it's not blocked, I will hopefully get that done tonight or tomorrow! I see many more of these in my future! Actually I promptly went out and bought the same yarn in aqua (clearance for under $3/skein) and a really lovely soft and snuggly green yarn that might be by Paton's but I don't remember right now that was clearance for under $3/skein too! I see many of these in my future!
Congrats to Erin and Ryan! It was a beautiful wedding for two wonderful people! We had a great time! Sorry I don't have a pic, they didn't turn out that great for us!
Here's a cute kitty picture for you too! Ruger really likes his new lovie!!! I knit a few of these up last night for the boys! I just love his sweet face!
Made stuffed burgers, twice! I stuffed the Italian burgers with fresh mozz. Oh, and some food porn for you too, check out the Caprese in the background! But really, doesn't that oozy cheese look sooo good?
Here's another!
And the White Wine Pesto Burgers with white cheddar for Brian and Lauging Cow light Garlic and Herb for me! Yummy, ooey and gooey! I had such inspiration about stuffed burgers last night that I sat down and wrote out ideas, names and ingredients for about 15 more stuffed burgers. So, check back because I will be posting more!
We also GRILLED Brussels Sprouts on a veggie griller thingy. THEY WERE SO GOOD! Totally different flavor. It's way to hot here to even glance at the oven, let alone turn it on, so they got tossed in some oil with pepper and a little salt, same as we do for roasting, and got tossed on the grill with the burgers! Works for me! And it really did work!
Remember the raspberries... Well, they have become frozen yogurt! And people, if you don't have one of these, you really, truely, don't have an utter clue what you are missing! Seriously, I'm not kidding. I can't wait to make frozen yogurt with strawberries and peaches, or pistachio, mint chip, and cookie dough ice cream. I may burn the motor out this year! The recipe I used is from here...Our friend Pam's sister is suffering from Melanoma and with a fundraiser coming up this weekend, I really wanted to donate something. I had some really pretty, varigated Rainbow Boucle in a pretty plummy color (they call it Berry Print) that was waiting to become a shawl, and I was so glad to drop it off for them this morning. I really hope it goes to a good home!
EDITED TO ADD: It went to a great home! Hope you enjoy Jodi!
And people, learn from my mistakes, buy two skeins... I didn't feel like carting 2 huge skeins up north this weekend and my poor (wonderful) mother helped me with more knots and tangles than you can imagine! This really is my favorite shawl to knit. The pattern is so easy you don't even need to haul the pattern around with you. I finished the Cropped Raglan Sweater in record time too! I think it only took me about 5 or 6 days. Definatly not a full week though. I only used 3 skeins of Sensatons Kashmira for the project and I made it a few inches longer too!
What a great, cheap knit! It's so easy. Knit from the top down. I can already see some variations to this pattern too, the wheels were churning the entire time the needles were clicking! You have to check it out! Also on Ravelry.. sorry it's not blocked, I will hopefully get that done tonight or tomorrow! I see many more of these in my future! Actually I promptly went out and bought the same yarn in aqua (clearance for under $3/skein) and a really lovely soft and snuggly green yarn that might be by Paton's but I don't remember right now that was clearance for under $3/skein too! I see many of these in my future!
Congrats to Erin and Ryan! It was a beautiful wedding for two wonderful people! We had a great time! Sorry I don't have a pic, they didn't turn out that great for us!
Here's a cute kitty picture for you too! Ruger really likes his new lovie!!! I knit a few of these up last night for the boys! I just love his sweet face!
03 June 2009
Dinner, Delights and The Biggest Loser...
Dinner: Lasagna Primavera from Everyday Food # 51 ( I love this issue!)
Yeah, so, here goes... Brian loved it. Me, I thought it was bland. Don't get me wrong, the sauce smelled great! But the outcome, bland. I would add some nutmeg AND some Mrs. Dash Garlic & Herb to the ricotta mixture. It would also be good with leftover shredded chicken. And now that I am typing this, I would add the Garlic & Herb to the sauce as well. But whole milk people? Brian didn't read me that part of the recipe when we were deciding what to have for dinner this week. He just said "milk" well, I ALWAYS have milk in the fridge, but surely not WHOLE MILK! Does anyone have any ideas on how to lighten this up? Please send them my way!
Delight: There are two delights I would like to share with you today.
1) Kroger had a sale on Raspberries last week for $1/container!! $1
Melissa, thank you, thank you, thank you for this book! I loved it (finished it in 4 nights!) I laughed out loud so many times, Brian kept shush-ing me! I think the reason I was laughing was because something she was saying was totally me or when relating to her husband, us. I felt like I could have been in my kitchen having the same conversations and thoughts. Ruger even enjoyed it!
There are sooo many recipes I want to try in it, like, the Blueberry-Raspberry Pound Cake, and 1 point for me, I have raspberries.. and the Banana Bread with Chocolate and Crystallized Ginger, 2 points for me, I have more than ready to use bananas on my counter right now... and those are only the 2nd and 3rd recipes in the book. I made a recipe from her Blog with the lasagna the other night and I was surprised at how good it was, and easy...Chickpea Salad with Lemon and Parmesan, yum. I know it doesn't look like much, but it is quite refreshing.

The Biggest Loser: Brian and I (more I) watched the Biggest Loser all the way through this season. We, or I in most cases, usually catch bits and pieces of it, but we watched it all this time. Brian's partner Diana came into the office a while back telling everyone that her cousin Ron and his son Mike were going to be on The Biggest Loser. So for curiosity sake we tuned in and were hooked. Well, to sum it up, Diana's daughter was married on Saturday night, and we attended the wedding and reception. And got to meet Ron! I was a little bummed, because Mike is a CUTIE!!!! But Ron was such an inspiration! What a great guy, and he looks incredible!
I loved his Tie! Congrats Ron, you did a great job!
Coming up: A lightened up version of Chicken Divan from Clean Eating Magazine and Banana Nut Muffins from Lickity Split Meals!
Yeah, so, here goes... Brian loved it. Me, I thought it was bland. Don't get me wrong, the sauce smelled great! But the outcome, bland. I would add some nutmeg AND some Mrs. Dash Garlic & Herb to the ricotta mixture. It would also be good with leftover shredded chicken. And now that I am typing this, I would add the Garlic & Herb to the sauce as well. But whole milk people? Brian didn't read me that part of the recipe when we were deciding what to have for dinner this week. He just said "milk" well, I ALWAYS have milk in the fridge, but surely not WHOLE MILK! Does anyone have any ideas on how to lighten this up? Please send them my way!
Delight: There are two delights I would like to share with you today.
1) Kroger had a sale on Raspberries last week for $1/container!! $1
Raspberries are my FAVORITE! So, I promptly went out and bought 12 since that was the limit. I lined them up on a cookie sheet and stuck them in the freezer for a couple hours and then threw them in baggies. Then we proceeded to go out and get 2 dozen more! Yeah, fresh raspberries on my yogurt in the morning. Raspberry Sorbet (possibly tonight or tomorrow... the base is already waiting patiently in my freezer) Raspberry Muffins, Raspberry Scones... Oh, the possibilities, that is, if there are any left... Brian thinks they are great straight from the freezer. I'm not complaining, he is actually eating a healthy snack at night. Go for it! Look how lovely they are!
2) Have you read this book yet? Well, you need too! But you can't have mine, I'm too busy using it!Melissa, thank you, thank you, thank you for this book! I loved it (finished it in 4 nights!) I laughed out loud so many times, Brian kept shush-ing me! I think the reason I was laughing was because something she was saying was totally me or when relating to her husband, us. I felt like I could have been in my kitchen having the same conversations and thoughts. Ruger even enjoyed it!
There are sooo many recipes I want to try in it, like, the Blueberry-Raspberry Pound Cake, and 1 point for me, I have raspberries.. and the Banana Bread with Chocolate and Crystallized Ginger, 2 points for me, I have more than ready to use bananas on my counter right now... and those are only the 2nd and 3rd recipes in the book. I made a recipe from her Blog with the lasagna the other night and I was surprised at how good it was, and easy...Chickpea Salad with Lemon and Parmesan, yum. I know it doesn't look like much, but it is quite refreshing.

The Biggest Loser: Brian and I (more I) watched the Biggest Loser all the way through this season. We, or I in most cases, usually catch bits and pieces of it, but we watched it all this time. Brian's partner Diana came into the office a while back telling everyone that her cousin Ron and his son Mike were going to be on The Biggest Loser. So for curiosity sake we tuned in and were hooked. Well, to sum it up, Diana's daughter was married on Saturday night, and we attended the wedding and reception. And got to meet Ron! I was a little bummed, because Mike is a CUTIE!!!! But Ron was such an inspiration! What a great guy, and he looks incredible!
I loved his Tie! Congrats Ron, you did a great job!
Coming up: A lightened up version of Chicken Divan from Clean Eating Magazine and Banana Nut Muffins from Lickity Split Meals!
28 May 2009
To make me happy...
It doesn't take a lot... to make me happy. While wondering around Lowe's on Monday afternoon, we came across the key counter. Of course, since I am obsessed with green right now, I had to have this...
A new house key!!! Isn't it so great??? I smile everytime I pick up my keys now. Brian shakes his head. (Underneath it all, he really is amused that it takes so little to make me happy.) And yes, it is bejeweled too! HA!
Also, Jodi's Venison Recipe that I promised you is here!
Our good friends Marie and John were recently engaged and we celebrated last night with a champage (flute rimmed with a strawberry, of course) toast! We made grilled pizza's again, this time introducing a new one. The Margharita. I used some whole wheat flour this time too, instead of just all-purpose.
From Left to Right - Top Row. - Shredded chicken, low-fat feta cheese, sliced fresh baby mozzarella, diced Campari tomatoes.
Bottom Row - Fresh spinach, carmelized onions, Italian blend
From Left to Right - Cooking spray, pesto, tomato sauce, basil, empty beer bottle and one of the crusts.
The finished Margarita, sprinkled with fresh basil.
And for dessert...
Fresh Strawberry-Rhubarb Crisps with French Vanilla Ice Cream. One of my goals this summer is to make homemade ice cream and frozen yogurt! Dad and I pick fresh rhubarb this weekend and I knew that I wanted to make this! I made 4 individual crisps in the French Onion Soup Crocks Melissa got me for Christmas a few years ago. They worked perfectly!
Congratulations Marie and John! We are so excited for you!
A new house key!!! Isn't it so great??? I smile everytime I pick up my keys now. Brian shakes his head. (Underneath it all, he really is amused that it takes so little to make me happy.) And yes, it is bejeweled too! HA!
Also, Jodi's Venison Recipe that I promised you is here!
Our good friends Marie and John were recently engaged and we celebrated last night with a champage (flute rimmed with a strawberry, of course) toast! We made grilled pizza's again, this time introducing a new one. The Margharita. I used some whole wheat flour this time too, instead of just all-purpose.
From Left to Right - Top Row. - Shredded chicken, low-fat feta cheese, sliced fresh baby mozzarella, diced Campari tomatoes.
Bottom Row - Fresh spinach, carmelized onions, Italian blend
From Left to Right - Cooking spray, pesto, tomato sauce, basil, empty beer bottle and one of the crusts.
The finished Margarita, sprinkled with fresh basil.
And for dessert...
Fresh Strawberry-Rhubarb Crisps with French Vanilla Ice Cream. One of my goals this summer is to make homemade ice cream and frozen yogurt! Dad and I pick fresh rhubarb this weekend and I knew that I wanted to make this! I made 4 individual crisps in the French Onion Soup Crocks Melissa got me for Christmas a few years ago. They worked perfectly!
Congratulations Marie and John! We are so excited for you!
22 May 2009
In the last 24 hours...
In the last 24 hours, I have...
- Sewn 4 skirts, the one on the left is for my cousin Melissa, and the other 3 are for ME!!
- Figured out how to do a blind hem after MUCHO cursing, head scratching and seam ripping
- Figured out that if the fabric is cut, I can whip a 5 Minute Skirt up in 30 minutes flat. Keep in mind, that was the LAST skirt!! The first one took several hours due to the directions in my sewing machine manual, and the fact that I don't have the next item.....
- Wished I had a serger, because then it really would be a 5 Minute Skirt, the pattern even says so.... hint, hint anyone????
- Planted my Tomatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Basil and a couple of Hungarian Wax and Chili Peppers for Brian
- Washed, Dried, Folded and put away/packed for the weekend - 3 loads of laundry
- Watched my nephews for a few hours
I'm exhausted! Have a great weekend! I will have a venison recipe to share next week, compliments of our good friend Jodi!
- Sewn 4 skirts, the one on the left is for my cousin Melissa, and the other 3 are for ME!!
- Figured out how to do a blind hem after MUCHO cursing, head scratching and seam ripping
- Figured out that if the fabric is cut, I can whip a 5 Minute Skirt up in 30 minutes flat. Keep in mind, that was the LAST skirt!! The first one took several hours due to the directions in my sewing machine manual, and the fact that I don't have the next item.....
- Wished I had a serger, because then it really would be a 5 Minute Skirt, the pattern even says so.... hint, hint anyone????
- Planted my Tomatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Basil and a couple of Hungarian Wax and Chili Peppers for Brian
- Washed, Dried, Folded and put away/packed for the weekend - 3 loads of laundry
- Watched my nephews for a few hours
I'm exhausted! Have a great weekend! I will have a venison recipe to share next week, compliments of our good friend Jodi!
20 May 2009
There's A Snake on my Deck!
AHHH, there's a SNAKE on my deck!
Good thing it's for Jamie's B-day gift, or I would have run shreaking back into the house and locked the door! (Snakes are sneaky...)
He's pretty darn cute, isn't he? I am totally proud of myself! I developed the pattern all by myself! I'll tell you though, stuffing this sucker was NOT easy. And since I have 2 more snakes on request for back to back July birthdays, (well, actually one snake on request, Brian's nephew's birthday are about a week apart and Zach really thinks he needs one, he will be 6. Travis will be 2, and to keep things simple, 2 snakes it is) I am heading to the hardware store for some pipe! I believe it is going to be a green summer too around here folks!
*Edited to add: The Sneaky Snake Pattern is available, leave me a comment if you are interested! I will email it to you! If there is enough interest, I will work on making it into a pdf file...
We made the Asian Pork Satays from Cuisine Grilling again last night, and we remembered to get a picture.
I only made half of the marinate, and it was still plenty, so I will edit the recipe shortly! It's super high in sodium!
A lot of bloggers out there have a project ticker in their sidebar, however, I am completely dense when it comes to super cool things like that and have no earthly idea how to add one! Aren't these GREAT!!! They only take one skein of the homespun with 2 strands held together. AND they fit ME great until Brian shoved his huge paws in them and told me how much longer he wanted his in the wrist, thumb, and palm! Thanks HONEY!!!!
I may spend the weekend, or at least a few hours of the weekend re-writing this pattern in the round, the seam is kind of bulky and annoying when you have them on, but other than that, they are great mittens. Does it sound like I already made up my mind? Yep, I do believe I will be frogging the bolero this weekend. NOW I just have to find the right scarf and hat patterns, yeah!
Oh, and have you seen these yet? Can I tell you how much I adore them? I truely do adore them and I want a pair that are cabled, and a pair that are cabled with a different cable than the first. People, you will be seeing a lot of these in my future. I love making wristlets! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE making these! 1 Skein of yarn! Yes, only one! With left over!!! I don't know, do you think they need little crochet flowers clustered at the back of the hand? PLEASE!!! ADD YOUR COMMENT and tell me your opinion... I really can't decide!
Have a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend!
Good thing it's for Jamie's B-day gift, or I would have run shreaking back into the house and locked the door! (Snakes are sneaky...)
He's pretty darn cute, isn't he? I am totally proud of myself! I developed the pattern all by myself! I'll tell you though, stuffing this sucker was NOT easy. And since I have 2 more snakes on request for back to back July birthdays, (well, actually one snake on request, Brian's nephew's birthday are about a week apart and Zach really thinks he needs one, he will be 6. Travis will be 2, and to keep things simple, 2 snakes it is) I am heading to the hardware store for some pipe! I believe it is going to be a green summer too around here folks!
*Edited to add: The Sneaky Snake Pattern is available, leave me a comment if you are interested! I will email it to you! If there is enough interest, I will work on making it into a pdf file...
We made the Asian Pork Satays from Cuisine Grilling again last night, and we remembered to get a picture.
I only made half of the marinate, and it was still plenty, so I will edit the recipe shortly! It's super high in sodium!
A lot of bloggers out there have a project ticker in their sidebar, however, I am completely dense when it comes to super cool things like that and have no earthly idea how to add one! Aren't these GREAT!!! They only take one skein of the homespun with 2 strands held together. AND they fit ME great until Brian shoved his huge paws in them and told me how much longer he wanted his in the wrist, thumb, and palm! Thanks HONEY!!!!
I may spend the weekend, or at least a few hours of the weekend re-writing this pattern in the round, the seam is kind of bulky and annoying when you have them on, but other than that, they are great mittens. Does it sound like I already made up my mind? Yep, I do believe I will be frogging the bolero this weekend. NOW I just have to find the right scarf and hat patterns, yeah!
Oh, and have you seen these yet? Can I tell you how much I adore them? I truely do adore them and I want a pair that are cabled, and a pair that are cabled with a different cable than the first. People, you will be seeing a lot of these in my future. I love making wristlets! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE making these! 1 Skein of yarn! Yes, only one! With left over!!! I don't know, do you think they need little crochet flowers clustered at the back of the hand? PLEASE!!! ADD YOUR COMMENT and tell me your opinion... I really can't decide!
Have a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend!
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