12 April 2010

Menu Plan Monday

I have recently started planning menu's a week in advance...

1) to cut back on the grocery bill and mindless fridge searching 10 minutes before dinner...

2) to use staples from the pantry before buying more items that will sit there...

3) because I like to plan and I like to make lists....  (ok, so maybe that should be #1)

While perusing the blogsphere this past week I came across a post for Menu Plan Mondays with a link and the cool pic you see up there and website and of course I was intrigued.... AHHHHH, blog heaven!  (I just heaved a HUGE sigh of contentment)  There are downloads and ideas and articles....  it's fun (if you know me, you understand...  it's the little things in life...)

SOOO, here is my first submission for Menu Plan Monday...  and due to our weekend routine, I will usually be posting only Monday-Thursday meals

Monday - WW Taco Soup & Black Bean and Corn Tostadas - Meatless Monday Issue #2 - WWP for Soup = 1, 1 Tostada = 5

Tuesday - Ginger Teriyaki Strip Steak - WWP = 4 probably with brown rice and broccoli

Wednesday - Lobster with Dill Sauce - WWP = 2, green salad, veggie and possible pasta or rice?

Thursday - Chinese Chicken with Garlic Sauced Noodles - WWP = 8

If things go according to plan, I will be posting pics and comments for these later in the week!


  1. OK Kels. Monday Empire Chinese, tuesday Bentleys, Wednesday maybe i cook, Thursday tap night, guys fend, Friday Shawns, Saturday hot dog on a stick, Sunday Olive Garden. See? I DO plan....

  2. Jods - I love you so much! You COMPLETELY made my night! I am just bummed that I won't get to see you this weekend! I am doing a trip on Saturday and staying down here! Have a drink for me at Shawns... I am planning a vodka and soda while sewing on Friday night.... Regarding the menu plan... well, I picked a bad week to start it... Monday funeral, Tuesday fresh caught Walleye, Wednesday Ginger Teriyaki Strip Steaks and tonight pizza because Bri had a crazy day that I'm sure you will hear about this weekend! So, most of that is going to reappear next Monday!
