28 July 2010

It's Hurricane Season....

I love knitting small projects in the summer time.  It's so nice to whip up mittens and hats in the summer and not have the weight and the heat hanging on you.  Thus, the inspiration for Hurricane.  Since I STILL have left over skeins of Snowbird that I can't seem to use up...  here it is...

I love the subtle lines in this hat!  It fits perfectly and I can't wait to get a picture when the weather gets cooler!

And how bout these beauties!  My Peekaboo Mittens.  I'm loving the flap!  My falanges will be toasty warm this winter!

22 July 2010

Laughing Cow Chicken

I finally remembered to take pictures of the Laughing Cow Chicken last night.  Here is the link to the recipe, I hope you give it a try.  It's a simple and delicious, not to mention healthy twist on Chicken Cordon Bleu.  4 ingredients is all you need!

I would also like to NOT recommend the Ore Ida Steam and Mash Potatoes that can be found in the freezer section.  They are handy, yes, but incredibly salty!  I drank about 4 glasses of water after dinner last night!  The texture is great though, just like mine, but way to much salt!  

20 July 2010

My poor neglected blog.... getting back on track post #2

There is another reason that I haven't been updating as much as I should, but some things can't be shared yet, because they aren't completed!  Things like sewing projects for the shop that I am trying to stock before opening, and knitting things that are gifts!  Not to mention the fact that I neglected my camera for the whole holiday weekend too.  What is wrong with me?

Well, I guess I can show you this...  Finished this weekend: Toasty Mitts from Leslie @ A Friend to Knit With.  I seriously love her blog.  All her knitting projects and the recipes she shares!
And this was such a quick and easy knit.

I had grand plans for little projects for the weekend, Cupcake Mittlets, Toasty, Bella Mittens, a re-usable swiffer cloth, and I only got these done.  (Oh, and the left Cupcake Mitt too, but that was in the car on the way up, so I'm not sure if that counts...)  I spent most of the afternoon and evening on Sunday dragging little Texans around on inflatable boats in the lake!  We had a crowd of people at mom and dad's all day, including our friends 3 grandchildren from Texas who spend 5 weeks here every summer!  It was so much fun!  Not to mention the food.  My dad grilled a whole turkey.  YUM! That's all, just YUM!  More soon, promise, just not sure when.  And possibly a recipe or two...

Oh, I do have a picture to show you...  The Cupcake Mittlets went to Jodi for her birthday!
Nice view I get to knit with on the weekends, right?

Oh, and BTW, RuRu has recently decided that he's got some junk in the trunk goin' on, so he's been getting on the ellyptical daily.

See you soon!

19 July 2010

My poor neglected blog... getting back on track post #1

I'm sorry, I truly am.

Between having the wireless card in my computer die an untimely death, working with AT&T to determine why exactly I had internet one minute and none the next, and heading to Best Buy to purchase a wireless adapter, and a million other things, my blog has been very neglected, and all of the intended posts are a little behind the times now, so I guess I will just give a brief overview of what's been going on...

FYI - this is going to be a very picture heavy post....

Memorial Day Weekend (wow, that was a long time ago) was lots of fun, we smoked ribs at my parents house with the Milo's and Messings...

Bri, Dad and Ivan and the cigar holder....

Dad and I ..  I don't really smoke cigars, but I like how they smell...  and I had to hold Brian's so he could take pics...
(Notice the handknit that I now have to wash because I wore it around cigar smoke, Doh!)

Lori makes THE BEST homemade rolls and I wanted a lesson, so I asked her to bring them for the party.  Ha, sneaky sneaky!

Along with 4 different kinds of ribs, we had a HUGE pan of mom's mac and cheese, salad, Lori's rolls, bourbon apples with ice cream, & strawberry rhubarb crisp.  Fun times!

Come back tomorrow for the next update on my neglected blog!  Fourth of July weekend, better late than never!  See you tomorrow!

Happy Anniversary

I love this man.  I think he knows.  I tell him everyday (repeatedly)  but just in case, I'm gonna put it out there again.  Happy 2nd Annivesary Honey!  I want 50 more, OKAY?  I LOVE YOU!