19 July 2010

My poor neglected blog... getting back on track post #1

I'm sorry, I truly am.

Between having the wireless card in my computer die an untimely death, working with AT&T to determine why exactly I had internet one minute and none the next, and heading to Best Buy to purchase a wireless adapter, and a million other things, my blog has been very neglected, and all of the intended posts are a little behind the times now, so I guess I will just give a brief overview of what's been going on...

FYI - this is going to be a very picture heavy post....

Memorial Day Weekend (wow, that was a long time ago) was lots of fun, we smoked ribs at my parents house with the Milo's and Messings...

Bri, Dad and Ivan and the cigar holder....

Dad and I ..  I don't really smoke cigars, but I like how they smell...  and I had to hold Brian's so he could take pics...
(Notice the handknit that I now have to wash because I wore it around cigar smoke, Doh!)

Lori makes THE BEST homemade rolls and I wanted a lesson, so I asked her to bring them for the party.  Ha, sneaky sneaky!

Along with 4 different kinds of ribs, we had a HUGE pan of mom's mac and cheese, salad, Lori's rolls, bourbon apples with ice cream, & strawberry rhubarb crisp.  Fun times!

Come back tomorrow for the next update on my neglected blog!  Fourth of July weekend, better late than never!  See you tomorrow!

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