20 January 2012

Cable Slippers

Remember these...

They started a trend.  I needed more.  I found this little booklet at Joann's a while back and instantly fell for the adorable cable slippers.  Then I forgot about them for a while.  Well, I needed an easy road trip project a few weeks ago and started spending too much time on Ravelry when I found these in my que and remembered that I had the book!  BINGO!!!!

About the same time, I moved my sewing area to the front (bedroom) storage room.  It was in the living room and the Hubs couldn't see the TV while on the Ellyptical, so he wasn't using it.  I had to move yarn, and we all know that takes a while, because it needs to be looked at and held, while the computer is sitting on the floor with Ravelry open next to you.  WELL, I had just under 2 skeins of Australian Merino leftover from a Capelet I made years ago.  Gauge was right on!  Yippee, road trip project that fills the need for more slippers too, I love 2 for one's!

They are wonderful.  That's all, no complaints, they fit perfectly and I still want more (of these) exactly like this, in more colors.  Yep, happy feet!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I'm trying to decide what color to make next. :)

  2. Don't worry, I will be, there's plenty there to choose from. :)
